Ryan Turner| Business2community

Based on information provided by Amazon, you can see they revolutionized EC2 cloud computing. Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) “is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.” While Amazon may be one of the most well known companies competing in this marketplace, host to major clients like Instagram, there are other small-scale companies that offer bigger benefits.

For one, smaller companies can customize their cloud computing and web hosting to each client, tailoring their services to the needs of the client.

Second, Small-scale companies offer service oriented details and telephone support around the clock to help expert web developers overcome issues, as well as assisting novice web developers to achieve completion and finish projects in a timely manner.Third, The cloud computing and web hosting services offered by Amazon are stable, but have had the tendency for down-time. This typically doesn’t happen with locally-based, service-oriented companies like Cervalis, who hasn’t experienced down-time or outages in their 12 years of servicing customers in this capacity.

Dedicated Project Managers Provide Superior Service

Utilizing a smaller, service-oriented cloud computing and web hosting service is more goal oriented. With local, service oriented companies, each customer is equipped with a project manager to oversee their development and help them along the way. These project managers, or dedicated account managers, ensure that more projects get completed within their designated timelines to the best possible outcome.

Smaller Companies Offer Custom Solutions

While there are many companies offering cloud computing and web hosting, and services like Amazon hold much of the market share in these categories, there are other, custom-tailored options for clients the world over. Check out the benefits of a service oriented service of this nature versus the leader of the pack to be pleasantly surprised by the additional features and value you’ll receive for your money.


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