In recent years, we have witnessed a major boom in e commerce especially in the context of Retail shopping. Now a person simply siting in the comfort of his home can buy and sell anything anywhere to anyone in the world. The traditional retail of commodity products such as electronics, books and CDs etc. has now switched to convenient online shopping. Clothing and home goods are the two largest e-commerce ventures now. The businesses which went with the flow have greatly flourished. And unfortunately those that didn’t adapt are now a part of history.

Retail World is being revolutionized by E-Commerce The Big Wave

What has accelerated this huge transition? The answer is

Smartphones, I pads and tablets

The introduction of smartphones have greatly changed the face of e commerce and has truly given a major boost .One prediction is that by 2015, mobile shopping will account for $163 billion in sales worldwide, 12% of global ecommerce turnover which is overwhelming.

How has it revolutionized?

Keeps you within your comfort zone hence more purchasing

Mobile shopping, especially on tablets, mixes the lean-back leisure of flipping through a magazine with the lean-forward capabilities of search to help a shopper buy both the items she knows she needs with the delight of surfacing things she didn’t know that she wanted while still sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot piping coffee to follow.

Enables informed buying decisions

Now 66% of US smartphone users use their phone to aid in shopping .Be it from reading reviews, checking the latest trends in fashion, or finding the shoe in another color to replacing your home appliances. Consumers are now using their smartphones to make sound informed decisions which means reducing the risk of getting the wrong product.

More Competition for the seller

There is a lot of pulling and grabbing the customer now. Secondly, companies now know that their customer is more informed now. They strive their best to keep/retain customers. Larger companies have advanced ERP and CRM systems build up to keep a sound track of their customers’ needs, requirements and moreover to locate their next target market when launching a new product or offering. Companies try to keep the customer by offering coupons and deals which a lot of online consumers are looking for.

As you ride the rollercoaster of retail e commerce let Xcluesiv Cloud Technology be your partner in this effort. Our crew of project managers and developers look to provide state of the art based solutions to its customers.

1 Comment
  1. binance 4 months ago

    Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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