by Arnold

Social media profiles for your business are becoming more important as Google continues to focus on brands – favouring business with strong brand signals in SERPs. We have seen this time and time again with terms such as ‘Amazon’ or ‘Apple’.


Why Social Profiles?

Registering on social media websites is always a good idea. Even if you feel like you are not going to use the profile immediately. In fact, registering yourself on the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) is a must for almost any business these days – even if it’s just to avoid anyone imitating you or misusing your brand name – most businesses will even register the TDL variations of their domain name for this purpose.

Dominating Google

Another big advantage for creating social profiles is to help control the SERPs when your brand name is searched. Facebook, Twitter  and LinkedIn are highly authoritative websites, anything attached to them would have a head start and rank easily in most cases. This is great for dominating page one of Google, giving your potential customers extra reassurance. When somebody searches for your company name they will find your name plastered across the entire Google results page, not to the mention the advantage of being able to knock down any false or negative reviews you might have picked up.

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Setting up LinkedIn Business Page

Talk is cheap, let’s get to the good stuff. To get started, login to your LinkedIn account and click on ‘Companies’ then find the ‘Add a Company’ link in the top right.

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Enter your company Name and Email address, if your email address is already registered with another company, LinkedIn will ask you to edit the profile instead of creating a new one.

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If the email address you enter is not confirmed on LinkedIn (an alternative to your account email), you will be sent a confirmation email. Once you receive the confirmation, follow the link, and make sure you login with your primary account email to confirm your new email address.

When you have confirmed your email, go to the ‘Create a Company’ page, this is where you can enter your information – follow the LinkedIn wizard. Enter plenty of details, especially what you want externals to see, as this page will be ranked for your brand term eventually. After you have set-up the profile you can sit back and let LinkedIn do the hard work for you, information from the website is pulled together to compile more statistics about your company. E.g. LinkedIn will show all of your current employees, new hires and details about your employees from their profiles.


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