Drew Hendricks| Huffingtonpost

Cloud computing has experienced serious growth in recent years–even the Department of Defense is jumping on board. However, some people are a little concerned about giving up hard copies and going completely virtual. Big change is always difficult to deal with. However, getting on this bandwagon is a great idea that can save money and time (assuming the cloud server chosen has a solid reputation). Here are 5 of the biggest reasons cloud computing is gaining in popularity.

1. It Saves Money (and the Environment)

Keeping paper copies, updating them, making more copies to distribute, shredding them, ordering more paper and ink–it’s a vicious cycle. Many companies waste serious cash on this process, not to mention the leg work of employees whose sole responsibility is to keep up with the filing. Switching to cloud computing can save a lot of money and trees, which is why many companies are going green and upping the bottom line at the same time.

2. It Saves Time

All of that updating, filing and printer maintenance wastes precious time that can be better spent elsewhere. Cloud computing also gets rid of the risk of double work. When one employee updates a document but forgets to send it to one person, maybe that one person decides to take on the task herself. This is another cycle that needs to be broken–and cloud computing can do that.

3. It’s Easier

Let’s say 10 people all need the latest information on an RFP that’s due soon. One person may be in charge of the budget, another the narrative, and of course the Executive Director needs to oversee it all. A lot of meetings, back and forth emails and stress are in order, right? Wrong–if cloud computing is involved. Everyone can see the latest updates from their platform of choice in real time.

4. It Ups Organization

People have a tendency to file away hard copies and then forget about them. With cloud storage, everything is in one virtual place and it’s simple to use a search function to find documents. This also leads to less double work and helps keep everyone on the same page.

5. It’s Safer

Most offices and homes don’t have the ultimate security systems–but cloud servers do. There’s no risk of a fire, a burglary or a flood damaging documents. Instead, everything is safe and sound in the cloud. This also relieves some stress, which is always a good thing. Infrastructure as a service is increasingly popular with cloud servers leading the way.

It’s easy to see why cloud storage is falling into everyone’s favor. Why not give it a try and see how it can improve the business (and sanity of the employees)?

Drew Hendricks


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